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Request for PRoposal (RFP)

DESIGN & BUILD - Changing Rooms & Conference Room
(Bid closing date: 5 PM April 08, 2024)

The Northern Mariana Islands Football Association (NMIFA) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) document to contractors (“Prospective Bidders”) to receive proposals for the designing and construction of two (2) team changing dressing rooms with showers and toilets, and an adjacent conference room within the compound of the NMI Soccer Training Center.

PURCHASE OF TWO (2) STEEL POLES for Pitch No. 2 at the Training Center of the Northern Mariana Islands Football Association
(Bid closing date: 5 PM, January 5, 2024) (CLOSED)

The Northern Mariana Islands Football Association (NMIFA) is seeking proposals/quotations from qualified vendors/suppliers for two (2) metal steel poles that will be used for mounting stadium lights at one side of Pitch No. 2 at the Training Center of the NMIFA. NMIFA already have the lighting fixtures and will only need the two steel poles and cross-arms for mounting the lights.

Quotations can be submitted electronically via email: and or an arranged delivery by sealed envelope to the NMIFA office address. Coordination must be made via communication with Mr. Ruselle Zapanta at 1 (670) 287-7887 or 1 (670) 235-0173 or through email listed above.

© Northern Mariana Islands Football Association

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