PURCHASE OF TWO (2) STEEL POLES for Pitch No. 2 at the Training Center of the Northern Mariana Islands Football Association
(Bid closing date: 5 PM, January 5, 2024) (CLOSED)
Job Type
The Northern Mariana Islands Football Association (NMIFA) is seeking proposals/quotations from qualified vendors/suppliers for two (2) metal steel poles that will be used for mounting stadium lights at one side of Pitch No. 2 at the Training Center of the NMIFA. NMIFA already have the lighting fixtures and will only need the two steel poles and cross-arms for mounting the lights.
Quotations can be submitted electronically via email: rusellezapanta@nmifa.com and gensec@nmifa.com or an arranged delivery by sealed envelope to the NMIFA office address. Coordination must be made via communication with Mr. Ruselle Zapanta at 1 (670) 287-7887 or 1 (670) 235-0173 or through email listed above.
About the Role
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